Selasa, 12 Februari 2019

Android Is Starting Optimizing App Loop Moto G

Then, i rebooted my phone to investigate a bluetooth problem with my car radio. upon rebooting, the phone went through the "android is starting... optimizing app ## of ###" routine. it optimized 120 apps and took 40 minutes before i could use the phone again. later in the evening, it rebooted randomly. another 40 minutes of optimizing.. When you boot your android device from a fresh install or after performing a factory reset, android optimizes the apps installed on it and hence you see the “android is upgrading” or. "android is starting" "optimizing app x of xxx" with restarts of the phone 5.1 last week, when i upgraded from kitkat to lollipop, during boot it said, "optimising apps, 1 of 132" took around 20 minutes to complete..

Android 5.1 random restarts and optimize app showing 1-1031 of 1031 messages. after the restart, it will start optimizing the apps all over again. observations: then it will boot fine, but will go through the "optimizing applications" loop (as if installing a new os version) as part of its boot process.. Having an android smartphone or tablet is like giving candy to a little baby: you just can’t stop from tweaking, changing, customizing and optimizing the internal system and os..

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